
... so that you know... who... where... when & why...

Mac Taylor


Mac Taylor was born in Chicago on Lake Michigan, Illinois, as the son of a war veteran and grew up there as well. After his schooling, he spent his military service in the Marine Corps, where he was promoted to the rank of officer. When he returned to his service to Chicago, he learned that his father had been diagnosed with lung cancer.


At this time, Mac Taylor had an offer from the New York Police Department that he wanted to accept and support his father, McKenna Boyd Taylor, through the payments. Shortly after Macs wedding with his wife, Claire, the couple moved to New York, where Taylor began his work at the NYPD. During his time with the NYPD, Detective Mac Taylor went through various departments.


After CSI: New York (CSI: NY) had been set up, Taylor was appointed as its head, which also the pin, that Taylor always wears on the lapel of his jacket and his shirt, refers to. The NY halo is visible on it. In the middle are the letters DB on a navy-blue background. Here, the D is in white and the in green, and the letters DB stand for Detective Bureau and the pin marks him as head of the Crime Scene Investigation.


Detective Mac Taylor is the New York counterpart of Horatio Caine from CSI: Miami and Dr. Gil Grissom in the series CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. According to the Gabriele Veneziano theory of quantum physics, everything is interrelated. Taylor is sure that even the most difficult case is solvable, the connection just needs to be made.


Mac Taylor is not limited to the question of HOW (it happened and who did it), but also and above all with the question of WHY (it happened and how it happened) in his investigation of a case.


After his wife Claire was killed in the attacks on the World Trade Centre on September 2001 th was killed, the question of WHY intensely tormented him privately. The tragic loss of his wife has thrown the investigator off track, suffering from insomnia for a long time afterwards. In a later episode, Taylor learns that his wife Claire has a son, and that she placed him on adoption after birth.


This son was born years before he and Claire got to know one another. Reed Garrett, who had long been in search of his birth mother, finally found her correct address so Mac Taylor had to tell him that his mother had lost her life in the attacks of September 11th. Taylor feels responsible for taking care of the boy.


It takes Mac a long time to once again engage in a relationship with a woman. He would not have dreamed of this being medical examiner Dr. Peyton Driscoll. The relationship ends, however, when Peyton returns to England in the fourth season.


Mac shares a deep friendship with his colleague, Stella Bonasera, who is also his deputy at the CSI, based on the fact that Stella expresses her opinions or worries about his health. His relationship with Danny Messer is similar in nature, though not so close as to Stella. Mac Taylor, selected Danny personally for his team and confides in him. Mac plays bass in a band and performs in bars and pubs in his spare time. His colleagues also frequently attends the band’s jams.


Detective Mac Taylor (later promoted to Sergeant) is a highly dedicated investigator, who keeps files of unsolved files on his desk to be reminded of them. The three things that Mac Taylor would protect at all costs are the honour of the country, the security of the metropolis of New York and the integrity of the CSI. Accordingly, he also responds when Detective Aiden Burn wants to manipulate evidence to convict a suspect.


Since she cannot promise him a similar reaction in another case, he has no other choice but to release him. Provided that the integrity of the laboratory impugns, each case that the laboratory has ever worked on would be reopened.

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