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Sam Fujiyama


Chemical engineer Sam Fujiyama (played by Robert Ito) is assistant to Dr. Quincy in the coroner's office in Los Angeles, present at every autopsy and helping Dr. Quincy.


In addition to his professional qualifications, Sam Fujiyama is also the one who always protects Quincy from their supervisor, Dr. Robert Asten, when Quincy pursues his investigations.


Since Quincy is known for finding anomalies that make further inquiries necessary during each autopsy, it is also often the case that Dr. Fujiyama must let his inventiveness run wild. He presents Dr. Asten a suitable pretext, why Dr. Quincy is (again) not in the autopsy room.


The pen that Fujiyama always has in his shirt pocket could be described as his trademark.

Nothing is known about Sam Fujiyama’s private life. Also in terms of a relationship, there are no clear conclusions. Even if he is addressed by a pet name in an episode on the phone, it is not clear whether this was a girlfriend or a wife.



You may find all episodes of the series Quincy M.E. here.

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