
... so that you know... who... where... when & why...

David Rossi


David Rossi was born in Commack, a town located on Long Iceland, New York. Among his childhood friends are Emma Taylor, his former love, and Ray Finnegan.


Although raised in Long Iceland, David Rossi is a fan of the Chicago Cubs, a baseball team from Chicago. The paths of the old friends separated and his friend Ray became a member of the Mafia.


After finishing school, David Rossi first joined the Marines and from there he joined the FBI. During his time with the FBI, he was instrumental next to Jason Gideon in building the Behavioural Analysis Unit (BAU), in the early days the profilers in this unit were still working every man for himself. Teamwork, as is customary today, did not exist at that time.


During his time at the FBI, Rossi began writing books about behaviour analysis to which he could devote himself after retirement. During his career as a writer his publisher sent him frequently on reading tours even after his retirement.


After Jason Gideon stepped down from the team of investigators in the series Criminal Minds, David Rossi (played by Joe Mantegna) returned to the unit. His motivation for this were several cases that he could not explain during his active service.


Specifically he is concerned about a case in which the parents of three children were killed by a brutal murderer while the children were home. Today, David maintains regular contact with the children and he hopes to move a step forward with today's means in this case and finally catch the murderer.


The team is happy to finally be back to full strength and welcome the new old investigator warmly. However, they realize quickly that it will not be easy with David Rossi. Due to the fact that the BAU profiler still worked for himself, Rossi has often a stubborn nature and teamwork is not really his thing.


Rossi, who had believed him joining the BAU would be easier, quickly learns that today's teamwork is much more effective and successful, and so he is able over time to adapt to the new circumstances. He moves into Jason Gideon’s old office and begins his work.


In the course of his life, David Rossi was married three times, but is now single again, as he is also divorced from his third wife. According to him, divorce lawyers are the only people who had ever made ??him happy.



You may find all episodes of the series Criminal Minds here.

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