
... so that you know... who... where... when & why...

Episode: Read and Destroy


First Broadcast in Germany: 14.09.1994


Tony Curtis as Danny Wilde

Sir Roger Moore as Lord Brett Sinclair



As part of an exchange of agents from East and West, the freelance agent Felix Meadows has been replaced. Immediately following this exchange, Meadows is submerged to write his memoirs.


That he would make his former client to an enemy through these memoirs, is to be expected. For shelter, he has chosen the property of his old friend Lord Brett Sinclair. The American self-made millionaire Danny Wilde is asked by the CIA to his assistance. Pfeiffer, a CIA officer, asks Danny to help him find the submerged Meadows and procure the manuscript of the memoirs.


Lord Sinclair receives the same order - but from a different intelligence. These two intelligence agencies are not the only ones after submerged agent - also all other, for which the agent had ever worked. Thus, the two find themselves caught in the middle of world intelligence agencies trying to find a way out of this unspeakable situation.



Laurence Naismith as Judge Fulton



Joss Ackland as Felix Meadows

Elliott Sullivan as Pfeiffer


Director: Roy Ward Baker

Writer: Peter Yeldham


Producer: Robert S. Baker

Associate Producer: Terry Nation


Camera: Tony Spratling

Assistant Director: Peter Price



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